Your invitation to join us as part of our

Mastermind Coaching Group

Only room for

 now only 3

fitness business to join.

"Results University is a game-changer with new ideas and concepts introduced every month."


The Results University Ongoing Coaching Experience

This is your Opportunity to get Coaching with Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove Through Their Exclusive

VIP Mastermind Coaching Group


Coaching Is For You If...

  • You've implemented some of what you've learned and have already seen more success and profit in your business,

    but you realize that building your dream business takes time and means reinvesting to get the support & ideas to keep your momentum moving forward and you want Alwyn & Rachel in your corner every step of the way along with joining a group of like-minded business owners. 
  • You want to grow your team,

    putting systems in place knowing that as you grow you'll have new questions, new challenges, and you'll need to be able to stay connected to keep learning from the best. 
  • You know that THIS is your time to build something much bigger than yourself.

    You want to make an impact on a larger scale and are ready to make  that happen. Having a coach is absolutely necessary to get you there. 
  • You're ready to reach more people, automate your business, and increase your revenue. 

    You learned so much and know you still have more to do to get your business to where you want it. At this point you realize doing it alone doesn't make sense. 
  • You're ready to build a business that supports your dream lifestyle rather than continuing to struggle to support your business.

    You know you are meant for more and want to surround yourself with the people who will help you to get there. 

"With my indoor fitness studio closed for the last 10 months, I decided to take advantage of the extra time I had to better myself and my business. I also needed to figure out what changes to make to be sure my business is ready for the future. Joining the Results University Inner Circle and being coached by Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove has given me the ideas, inspiration, and support I was looking for. Every month I look forward to the new presentation offered live, learning different aspects of business, programming, marketing and more! Getting the live support from Alwyn & Rachel, who don't hold back and answer every question, has kept me from second guessing myself and moving forward with certainty and clarity."

Heather Binns, Owner of Reno 8 Fitness in Los Angeles, CA and Inner Circle Member Since 2019

"Before joining the Results Fitness University VIP Mastermind Coaching Group, I had to try to run my business all by myself. Now that I have this group, I can learn from the best practices of others and share my own insights. I don't need to reinvent the wheel and neither do they. They are also some of the most enjoyable, inspiring people I can imagine being around. This was the best business decision that I've ever made!"

Alec Liberman, Owner of On Target Fitness in Portsmouth, NH and VIP Coaching Member Since 2017
  • We're inviting you to coach directly with us to take your business to a new level. Each month we'll work together to identify the exact action steps that you need to fast track your business, tackling your biggest blind spots, and lay the foundation for more clarity, focus, and success!
  • We'll start you off with a two-on-one Fast Start Coaching Call to get your action steps in place ($1,000.00 value)
  • We'll have a pre-scheduled monthly group coaching call where we'll plan your action steps for the month and hold you accountable ($3,267.00 value)
  • In addition, we'll unlock our Vault full of "done for you" documents and systems, including checklists, templates, and scripts for exactly what you need in your business ($2,400.00 value)
  • Six one-on-one calls with Alwyn or Rachel($2,982.00 value)
  • Direct text number for ongoing communication with Alwyn & Rachel ($1,200.00 value)
  • Access to a Private Members Only Community ($1,200.00 value)
  • Our Program Design Templates ($3,600.00 value)
  • BridgeAthletic App for up to 50 clients (Included) with discounted rate for additional clients, PLUS expert support for you and your team ($2,364.00 value)
  • We host three (3) Mastermind events a year, gathering together the best fitness business owners in the industry to share ideas and support each other ($6,000.00 value)
  • One year access to our Inner Circle ($1,164.00 value)
  • Referral Program (per client referral)($2,400.00 value)
  • Unannounced gifts/bonuses/ discounts                    ($300.00 value)
  • BONUS: Chance to win "RFU Biz Owner of the Year" ($6,500.00+ value)
  • You will have accomplished more in your business than you have in years!

Total Value: $34,377.00


ONLY $997 x 12 installments

OR IN FULL: $9,997

Click here to Join $997 x 12
Pay in full ( Save $$$)

Yes, I'm ready to have Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove in my corner to guide me every step of the way!

I'm ready for the FULL VIP Mastermind Experience including the IN PERSON EVENTS + 6 One-On-One calls! Sign me up at $997/month x 12 months or $9997 Paid In Full

Join the VIP Mastermind group now

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions our top students asked before enrolling in coaching with us.

Yes, I'm ready to have Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove in my corner to guide me every step of the way!

I'm ready for the FULL VIP Mastermind Experience including the IN PERSON EVENTS + 6 One-On-One calls! Sign me up at $997/month x 12 months or $9997 Paid In Full

Join the VIP Mastermind group now

As part of our Exclusive VIP Mastermind Coaching Group (pictured above) we can’t wait for you to jump onboard this rocket ship! 

Joining this group of action taking, success-minded fitness business owners has been the turning point for so many to have the support, ongoing ideas, and inspiration to create the business they dream of while meeting some of the most incredible individuals and making lifetime friendships. 

Your life will change in three ways

1. The people you meet.

2. The knowledge you gain. 

3. The experiences you have. 

We will give you all three by being a part of this amazing group! We hope to work closely with you in 2024!

Dedicated to your success,

Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove

Yes, I'm ready to have Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove in my corner to guide me every step of the way!

I'm ready for the FULL VIP Mastermind Experience including the IN PERSON EVENTS + 6 One-On-One calls! Sign me up at $997/month x 12 months or $9997 Paid In Full

Join the VIP Mastermind group now