Results Fitness Mastery of Program Design

Poor Trainers Write Workouts,

Good Trainers Write Programs...

The BestĀ TrainersĀ Learn from Results Fitness!Ā 

 Our program design system is one of the first systems you'll want to implement into your fitness business to learn to write THE MOST effective programs in THE LEAST amount of time!

Program design has become a major source of income for successful trainers in today’s marketplace. Individual programs administered in one-on-one, semi-private, large group, and online are fast becoming the model of success in the training industry.
Our programming is a melting pot of everything we have learned over the 30+ years we've been in the industry. It can be so confusing trying to figure out how to merge all of the information, knowledge, and certifications out there into one system. Starting with the Functional Movement Screen and integrating everything from range of motion, activation & movement prep concepts to using core, medicine balls, Olympiclifts, powerlifting, sandbags & do you fit it all into an hour workout, and most of our clients can only train twice a week!

In fact, in just the last couple of years our team have immersed themselves in learning the DVRT System Levels 1 & 2 and Restoration, getting StrongFirst Certified, along with the Bodyweight Certification, Second Wind & the Endurance Certification, going through the CFSC Certification, Kinstretch, Exos mentorships & online courses, are Spartan Coach Certified, plus Precision Nutrition, Perform Better, and more! Our team loves to learn & cannot get enough!

And they love to share! You can now fast track learning everything we have immersed ourselves in, whittled down to the system we have landed on, to get the results we are known for with our clients.

Each week we meet to share ideas and apply everything we have learned as a team. We make all of this effort...investing, learning, implementing, and sharing...take advantage of this opportunity to learn from the best starting today, without leaving your house!

Up until now you could only attend this live event by purchasing a plane ticket and traveling to Results Fitness, add the cost of a hotel, plus we charged $397 to attend. And we only hold this seminar once a year!

In this course you'll meet our head coaches at Results Fitness, Craig Rasmussen and Sawyer Shea Gordon, who won't hold back sharing exactly what we do with our clients at Results Fitness. It's taken us years to develop this system and we're going to share it all with you!

We share exactly how we have implemented all of the knowledge we have accumulated over the years into a simple, extremely effective program design system that you too can use with your clients right away and have the most up to date, effective programming skills in the industry!

We want to help as many fitness pros as possible to become the best, to elevate our industry and change the way fitness is done, so we are making this super easy for you!

Why not fast track your skills as a fitness professional and take advantage of everything we've been developing over the years? You'd be crazy not to take advantage of this opportunity! 

Unlock the Mastery Of Program Design Two-Day LIVE Course Immediately

  • Access TWO JAM PACKED DAYS learning from the Results Team today!
  • Go through the course at your own pace. Go back and watch presentations more than once. If binge watching is your thing, watch the entire two-day course starting now!
  • Download the PowerPoint presentation PDFs to follow along, take notes, and for future reference.
  • PLUS, we are also going to give you access to our Fitness Business Mastery Course as a bonus! 
  • And see below! There's more!!!
Get Started Now For Just $97

"Results Fitness Mastery of Program Design was a valuable experience that upgraded my program design and implementation in both personal and group training, a valuable blend of science & application on the often-hectic environment of a training facility. "

Nathan Jones
Attended Live November 2018

In Addition, Every Month On The First Of The Month, We Will Unlock Access To A Brand New Course From The Results Signature System, Sharing The Answers To Change Your Business And Your Life, Starting Right Now for Just $97 A Month!

Introducing Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove's Inner Circle

This is our signature system revealed for the first time ever outside of our VIP Mastermind Coaching Group. When you sign-up for our Inner Circle we are going to unlock an ENTIRE new course for you every month, starting now, with our Mastery of Program Design course.

Yes, you read that correctly! An ENTIRE NEW COURSE for you every month. Not just one interview or a new video; not just a single module, but an ENTIRE new training COURSE on a topic that will be a game changer for your business, and will help you create the business and life of your dreams.

Plug & play everything you learn each month into your fitness business from our Program Design System to running one of our transformation challenges to our Sales System and more! We're about to share every single system we use, day in & day out, at Results Fitness.

No one else in the world has done this. Frankly, most fitness business coaches don't even own gyms, let alone give away all of their systems, scripts, templates, and ideas that have made their gym one of the TOP Ten gyms in the United States!

Get started now with our Mastery of Program Design System PLUS our Fitness Business Mastery course as a bonus month one! Cancel anytime!

Get Started Now For Just $97

For only $97 you get immediate access to these TWO COURSES right now!

Then you will get a NEW ONLINE course from us EVERY MONTH! 

Every first of the month, we'll unlock another new fitness business signature course for you, and you can take any of them AT YOUR OWN PACE.

The goal is to give you the tools you need to dramatically accelerate your fitness business growth at a FRACTION of the usual price it costs to come out to one of our live events.

We want to help you to become one of the best fitness pros there is! 

Get started now for only $97

What Else Do I Get?

For $97 now, you get two (2) full courses. Then you will continue to be automatically billed a discounted $97 per month. That gets you a new course every first of the month. Cancel anytime.

Every first of the month you'll get a new online course.

Here's a sample of some of the upcoming courses you'll be getting access to: 

  • Our Drop Two Sizes Implementation Course (usually $197!) - Get everything you need to run a successful Drop Two Sizes Challenge. This is literally a plug & play system that you can roll out immediately to market your first Drop Two Sizes Challenge and successfully guarantee your clients drop two sizes in just 8 weeks!
  • Mastery of Sales Seminar (usually $297!) - This 3-hour course goes into detail exactly how to sign up your next client.
  • Lifestyle Design (Never Before Released!) - Two hour course on building a business that supports your life, not a life that supports your business. We'll walk you through the exact steps to get crystal clear on what you want and how to start taking steps toward it today. Stop running around the hamster wheel getting nowhere. It's time to get focused and create the business & life of your dreams!
  • Changing Your Paradigms, Changing Your Business (Never Before Released!) - You'll learn some of the major shifts necessary to get your business on the right path, including switching to semi-private and group training, switching to reoccurring monthly billing for your clients, and thinking of program design as a separate skill.
  • Drive Your Business By The Numbers (Never Before Released!) - You'll learn the foundational numbers to drive your business every single day during this deep dive workshop, giving you what's been called "better than a Business MBA."
  • Marketing Your Fitness Business (Never Released Before!) - Attract more clients than ever before with this plug & play marketing system. 

With the other two courses we already mentioned, that's access to EIGHT of our best courses that up until now you'd only have access to if you came out to a live event...

...that people have paid THOUSANDS of dollars for, in total, to attend!

So there you have it:

1. We mentor you with our BEST courses, that others have paid THOUSANDS for...A BRAND NEW one every single month!

2. You get world-class curriculum, built by Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove and the Results Team, who have spent 30+ years mastering how to be a successful fitness professional from program design to sales to mindset to systems!

And it all starts now for just $97.

Yes! I want to join the Results Inner Circle and gain instant access to the Signature System for just $97!