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5 Pivots in our business in the last 7 days

Uncategorized Mar 24, 2020

Whether your gym was shut down, like ours, or you're a trainer who works out of a gym that shut down and can no longer train your clients, we're all in this together!

This past week we have been working harder than we have in a long time to make the necessary pivots in our business to continue to support our clients(so important at this time!), protect our business and keep moving forward to actually grow through this adversity! If you've been getting caught up in the uncertainty, anxiety and have been paralyzed by everything going on we hope to help you navigate this situation to keep moving forward. We got you!

Our clients need us now more than ever! They are home with time to actually focus on their health and fitness and need it to stay sane through this. Please show up for them! They need you! We had a client call us yesterday crying that she lost her job and has been home alone and we are the only consistent thing in her life right now and how much she appreciates that we are showing up for her everyday!

We were unexpectedly shut down on Monday afternoon last week and were told to close our doors at 2:30pm. By 4:30pm we were showing up for our clients live streaming the class that many of them had planned to take that night. Sure we had to make some modifications to make it a body weight at home workout but I wasn't going to not show up for them. Was it perfect? Nope! Right now good is good enough! Just show up!

Here are five pivots we made in our business this last week that I hope give you direction to make the necessary changes to keep showing up for your clients:

1. Engage more than usual! We probably were over communicating week one of this but I'd rather that than radio silence. We immediately reached out by email, did live videos in our Facebook group and used our texting software Naamly.com which has been integral to communicating with our clients during this. You have to be communicating with your clients right now! Get your database dialed in and engage! Text, email, Facebook, Instagram - however you can connect! Email out a PDF homeworkout for them to do right away! Create a private Facebook group to stream your workouts in for your clients. Sign up with zoom to start coaching them in their homes! Let them know you are here for them!
2. We started streaming live workouts through both Facebook Live and on Zoom. Our coaches are all on the "Stay At Home" mandate so we are streaming two from the gym as owners and then we have two of our coaches streaming from home with as professional a set up as we can get and wearing their uniform. We show up everyday on a live stream for our clients and it is saved in the Facebook group so they can follow it at any point.

3. We embraced new software and technology. We already had a programming software transition in the works scheduled to be complete by June so this just fast tracked us to fully onboard everyone into the software. We are using BridgeAthletic and are really happy with it. Use code- RESULTS2020 to get the first two months 25% off. You have to find new delivery systems to help your clients! Find a training program software that you like to start to share with your clients and coach them remotely.

4. Our already existing focus on continuing education and feeding our mind with positivity was increased. Everyday you have to fill your head with something positive! Fill your clients, yourself and your team with positivity right now! We all need it! Every single day fill your cup with continuing education including leadership, mindset, overcoming adversity and becoming resilient through hard times. Leaders must be flexible and agile which is so important right now in these times.

5. We plan to grow through this adversity. We are focusing on the future. When this is all over what will your business look like? Keep your team through this if you can and especially if they are stepping up to battle with you! Do not make rash decisions when your emotions are high. Stay calm and make decisions that will benefit your company in the future.

We also have a list of our resources here that we will continue to add to - Click Here to see what we're using

Remember! Control the controllables - What can we control? We can control our response and not join into the panicked craziness. We can also use this time to get better, focus on personal development and learning the tools we'll need when this is all over. You actually have total control over your business so figuring out sooner than later what changes you need to make. I hope the list above gives you some ideas!

So are you going to spend your time caught up in the news, spinning around with fear, checking social media every 5 seconds??? Or are you going to use this time to focus on your business?

Our recommendation: Stay Home, Focus on your business, and Wash your hands!

This is the time to DOUBLE DOWN on your business! Make the big shifts you've been meaning to make! Start the online coaching option! Build your personal brand! And spend time feeding your brain with positivity!

We've decided to help all of you in our own unique way with the feeding your brain with positivity part! Something we've never done before! We are unlocking one of the courses in our Inner Circle, our Fitness Business Mastery Course for FREE for 14 days! This is a 7 module course that we usually drip over 7 weeks but we've set it up so you can access it all right now! Yep! Jump in there and binge watch the entire two day seminar!

Click here now to get immediate access

For FREE right now to help you in the "here and now" you will receive ALL SEVEN Modules immediately to master your fitness business and be ready to hit the ground running when this is all over!

Jump in and get started right now! - Click Here to Get Access Immediately

We want to help you! We will continue to share more to help guide you through this.


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