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Kati & Caleb Terray, Results University Biz Owner of the Year finalists!

Feb 03, 2021

Here's the Biz Owner of the Year essay submitted by finalists Kati & Caleb Terray of Breakthrough Strength & Fitness in Woodland Hills, California, and check-out their video presentation as they share the details of the three key areas that helped them survive and thrive this past year.

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With gyms in the Los Angeles area still shut down for over seven months, this may seem like an odd time to throw our hat in the ring for your consideration as the RFU Business Owners of the Year. However, we know beyond a doubt that without what we’ve learned from Alwyn and Rachel and the whole RFU Team, we wouldn’t be here right now. We’ve seen fitness studios and gyms in our area close permanently, and multiple fitness colleagues with long time businesses decide - or feel like they had no choice but to close their doors.

We won’t lie, we’ve had some scary moments and some tough conversations about what the future might look like. By the...

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Our Business Owners of the Year, Mandy Haugstad & Jordan Rudolph of Unity Fitness in La Crosse, WI

Jan 25, 2021

Each year, members of our VIP Platinum Coaching and Mastermind Group submit essays on why they should be one of the finalists in our Business Owner of the Year contest.

Here’s the essay our winners, Mandy Haugstad & Jordan Rudolph of Unity Fitness submitted for consideration, along with their award-winning video presentation!

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This year indeed has brought its fair share of unforeseen events. It left business owners in a position to pivot and adapt, or quite frankly, die. It forced us into closure, testing everything that we’ve been building over the birth of our business to now. Systems, culture and community, staff, operations, and leadership were all areas tried and tested over the last seven months and counting. I think one of the biggest concerns is that we don’t know how long this will truly last, but what we’ve learned about running our business up to the start of the pandemic to now, and beyond, will be the same thing...

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Ben Fogel, Results University Biz Owner of the Year finalist!

Nov 20, 2020

Here's another Results University Biz Owner of the Year essay, submitted for consideration, by finalist Ben Fogel of Epic Fitness in Millcreek, Utah.

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This past year has given every single business in this group so many challenges. I feel that I should be the 2020-21 Business Owner of the Year because of the way my team and I addressed and overcame these challenges. With Utah gym closures in effect back in March and April, we immediately were able to pivot from in-person training to remote training and therefore maintained 95% of our client base.

Even though our doors were closed, we used that time to revamp and prep Epic Fitness for re-opening. We updated and reworked all of our systems (SOPs) with COVID safety protocols & guidelines, trained our staff on new procedures, offered added benefits for renewing memberships, plus implemented fun ways to keep our members engaged while training remotely during the pandemic. Once our doors re-opened, we...

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Meet Kelvin Gary, Owner of Body Space Fitness In NYC

Jun 03, 2020
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