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DOUBLED revenue while galavanting in Greece (Meet Matthew)

Oct 26, 2023

Matthew Guffey started working with us while he was sharing a gym space with 3–4 other personal trainers.


After a year of getting our support, though…

He’s outgrown his gym space TWICE. 

(Now filling a 2,400-square-foot stand-alone building at the corner of one of the busiest intersections in San Jose. 

He’s more than DOUBLED his revenue. 

 (From less than $100k to $200,000. Yes, in a post-pandemic world.)


AND he took time off to have his very own “big, fat Greek wedding.” PLUS spend 3 whole weeks galavanting around Greece. 

While his business continued to hum along, make him money, and onboard new clients.

(Your jaw should be on the floor by now)


Because what Matthew did inside our program… changed his life.

ALL in just a year.

Want to know how?

Read on…


When we asked Matthew to break down HOW working with us helped him accomplish his incredible Fitness Business success, he said...

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